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- 10 rem 'elmer the turtle'
- 20 rem (logo for kids)
- 30 :
- 40 rem version l-14
- 50 :
- 60 rem use on commodore 64
- 70 :
- 80 :
- 90 rem arrays
- 100 :
- 110 dim b(12)
- 120 dim a$(36),b$(36),c$(12)
- 130 :
- 140 rem variables
- 150 :
- 160 b=0
- 170 read b$:if b$="e" then bl=b:goto 200
- 180 b=b+1:b$(b)=b$:b(b)=len(b$)
- 190 read c(b):goto 170
- 200 s$=" "
- 210 er$="[145]"+s$+s$+s$+"[145]"
- 220 al=36:d=54272:u=10
- 230 t$="[158]* * * * * * *"
- 240 poke 53280,3:poke 53281,3:poke 646,6
- 250 :
- 260 rem title page
- 270 :
- 280 poke 53280,3:poke 53281,3:poke 646,6
- 290 print "[147]",t$
- 300 print "[144] elmer the turtle"
- 310 print ,t$
- 320 print "this game lets you draw and write on "
- 330 print " this computer screen."
- 340 print "just like other games, there are some"
- 350 print " rules for playing this game."
- 360 print "press the space bar if you want"
- 370 print " to read the rules."
- 380 print "or press the return key if you know"
- 390 print " them already and want to start"
- 400 print " playing right away."
- 410 a$=""
- 420 get a$:if a$="" then 420
- 430 if asc(a$)=13 then 530
- 440 if asc(a$)<>32 then 420
- 450 :
- 460 rem display all instructions
- 470 :
- 480 gosub 2910:gosub 3040:gosub 3170
- 490 gosub 3290:gosub 3400:gosub 3560
- 500 gosub 3650:gosub 3770:gosub 3920
- 510 gosub 4310
- 520 :
- 530 rem continue directions?
- 540 :
- 550 print "[147]",t$
- 560 print "everyone sometimes makes mistakes"
- 570 print " when they play this game."
- 580 print "the computer can often help you find"
- 590 print " out what you did wrong and show you"
- 600 print " the rule for that part."
- 610 print "please press the space bar if you want"
- 620 print " the computer to help find mistakes,"
- 630 print "or press the return key if you do not."
- 640 print ,t$
- 650 q=0:a$=""
- 660 get a$:if a$="" then 660
- 670 if asc(a$)=13 then u=0:goto 700
- 680 if asc(a$)<>32 then 660
- 690 u=1
- 700 :
- 710 :
- 720 rem statement list display
- 730 :
- 740 print "[147]";:n=18:for o=1 to 18
- 750 print "";right$(str$(o),2);". ";
- 760 print "";a$(o);tab(20);
- 770 print "";right$(str$(o+n),2);". ";
- 780 print "";a$(o+n):next o:print
- 790 if q=1 then 980
- 800 :
- 810 rem line # input
- 820 :
- 830 input "line #, 'e' or 'new'";i$
- 840 print er$:if i$="e" then 1610
- 850 if i$<>"new" then 870
- 860 for a=1 to 36:a$(a)="":next:goto710
- 870 i=len(i$):if i<1 or i>3 then 940
- 880 if i$="0" then 940
- 890 n=asc(i$):if n<49 or n>57 then 940
- 900 n=asc(right$(i$,1))
- 910 if n<49 and n>57 then 940
- 920 a=val(i$)
- 930 if a>0 and a=<al then 980
- 940 gosub 2500:if u=0 then 810
- 950 print "[147]"
- 960 gosub 3040:gosub 4090:goto 710
- 970 :
- 980 rem statement display
- 990 :
- 1000 q=1:print "[145]";
- 1010 for m=1 to 3:for n=0 to 3
- 1020 b=m+n*3:if b>bl then 1040
- 1030 print tab(n*10);b$(b);
- 1040 next n:print:next m
- 1050 print "i[158]nsert d[158]elete ";
- 1060 print "b[158]ack to line #"
- 1070 :
- 1080 rem statement input
- 1090 :
- 1100 print "line";a;:i$="":input i$
- 1110 print er$:if i$="" then gosub 2500:goto 1070
- 1120 if i$="i" then 1540
- 1130 if i$="d" then 1580
- 1140 if i$="b" then q=0:goto 710
- 1150 :
- 1160 rem is 'i$' valid?
- 1170 :
- 1180 b=0:i=len(i$)
- 1190 b=b+1:if b>bl then gosub 2500:goto 1070
- 1200 if left$(i$,b(b))<>b$(b) then 1190
- 1210 rem ....stmt #c
- 1220 c=c(b):if c>0 then 1260
- 1230 rem ....stmt type 0
- 1240 if i$=b$(b) then a$(a)=i$:q=0:goto 710
- 1250 goto 1370
- 1260 m$=right$(i$,i-b(b))
- 1270 gosub 2590
- 1280 j$=m$:j=len(j$):if c>1 then 1420
- 1290 rem ....stmt type 1
- 1300 if j=0 or j>2 then 1370
- 1310 n=asc(left$(j$,1))
- 1320 if n<48 or n>57 then 1370
- 1330 n=asc(right$(j$,1))
- 1340 if n<48 or n>57 then 1370
- 1350 n=val(j$):if b=8 and n<16 then 1460
- 1360 if b<>8 and n>0 then 1460
- 1370 gosub 2500:if u=0 then 1070
- 1380 print "[147]":if b>4 then 1400
- 1390 gosub 3190:goto 710
- 1400 on b-4 gosub 3290,3290,3400,3560,3650,3770
- 1410 goto 710
- 1420 if c>2 then 1480
- 1430 rem ....stmt type 2
- 1440 if j<>1 then 1370
- 1450 n=asc(j$):if n<33 or n>95 then 1400
- 1460 rem ....i$ is valid statement
- 1470 a$(a)=b$(b)+" "+j$:q=0:goto 710
- 1480 if c>3 then 1370
- 1490 rem ....stmt type 3
- 1500 if mid$(i$,5,1)=" " then 1520
- 1510 i$=left$(i$,4)+" "+mid$(i$,5)
- 1520 n=len(i$):if n<6 or n>15 then 1370
- 1530 a$(a)=i$:q=0:goto 710
- 1540 rem ....insert blank line
- 1550 for m=35 to a step -1
- 1560 a$(m+1)=a$(m):next m
- 1570 a$(a)="":q=0:goto 710
- 1580 rem ....delete line
- 1590 if a=36 then 1600
- 1595 for m=a to 35:a$(m)=a$(m+1):next
- 1600 a$(36)="":q=0:goto 710
- 1610 :
- 1620 rem begin execution
- 1630 :
- 1640 x=1:y=1:rem initial position
- 1650 e=2:rem initial pen position
- 1660 h$="*":rem initial character
- 1670 l=6:rem initial color #
- 1680 poke 53280,5:rem border color
- 1690 print "[147]":gosub 2770:gosub 2710
- 1700 rem ....statement list
- 1710 for a=1 to al:a$=a$(a)
- 1720 if a$="" then 2330
- 1730 b=0
- 1740 b=b+1
- 1750 if left$(a$,b(b))<>b$(b) then 1740
- 1760 on b goto 1780,1850,1920,1990,2060,2100,2130,2170,2210,2290
- 1770 :
- 1780 rem ....right
- 1790 m$=right$(a$,len(a$)-b(b))
- 1800 gosub 2590:m=val(m$)
- 1810 for n=1 to m:gosub 2370
- 1820 x=x+1:if x=41 then x=1
- 1830 gosub 2710:next n:goto 2330
- 1840 :
- 1850 rem ....up
- 1860 m$=right$(a$,len(a$)-b(b))
- 1870 gosub 2590:m=val(m$)
- 1880 for n=1 to m:gosub 2370
- 1890 y=y-1:if y=0 then y=25
- 1900 gosub 2710:next n:goto 2330
- 1910 :
- 1920 rem ....down
- 1930 m$=right$(a$,len(a$)-b(b))
- 1940 gosub 2590:m=val(m$)
- 1950 for n=1 to m:gosub 2370
- 1960 y=y+1:if y=26 then y=1
- 1970 gosub 2710:next n:goto 2330
- 1980 :
- 1990 rem ....left
- 2000 m$=right$(a$,len(a$)-b(b))
- 2010 gosub 2590:m=val(m$)
- 2020 for n=1 to m:gosub 2370
- 2030 x=x-1:if x=0 then x=40
- 2040 gosub 2710:next n:goto 2330
- 2050 :
- 2060 rem ....pen up
- 2070 if e=0 then e=1
- 2080 goto 2330
- 2090 :
- 2100 rem ....pen down
- 2110 e=0:goto 2330
- 2120 :
- 2130 rem ....char
- 2140 h$=right$(a$,1):gosub 2770
- 2150 p=983+x+y*40:poke p,k
- 2152 gosub 2750:goto 2330
- 2160 :
- 2170 rem ....color
- 2180 l=val(mid$(a$,6)):p=983+x+y*40
- 2190 poke p+d,l:gosub 2750:goto 2330
- 2200 :
- 2210 rem ....text
- 2220 a$=mid$(a$,6):m=len(a$)
- 2225 x=x-1:if x=0 then x=40
- 2230 gosub 2370:j=k:for n=1 to m
- 2240 h$=mid$(a$,n,1):gosub 2770
- 2250 x=x+1:if x=41 then x=1
- 2260 gosub 2710:next n
- 2270 k=j:f=1:m=1:goto 1810
- 2280 :
- 2290 rem ....stop
- 2300 a$=""
- 2310 get a$:if a$="" then 2310
- 2320 goto 2330
- 2330 next a:q=0:goto 710
- 2340 :
- 2350 rem subroutines
- 2360 :
- 2370 rem ....erase previous point?
- 2380 if f=1 then f=0:return
- 2390 if e=1 then e=2:return
- 2400 if e=2 then poke p+d,v:poke p,w
- 2410 return
- 2420 :
- 2430 rem ....instruction input
- 2440 print ""
- 2450 print " press any key to ";
- 2460 print "continue":a$=""
- 2470 get a$:if a$="" then 2470
- 2480 print "[147]":return
- 2490 :
- 2500 rem ....error message
- 2510 print ,"[144]i don't understand that"
- 2520 gosub 2560:print er$
- 2530 print ,"please try again"
- 2540 gosub 2560:print er$:return
- 2550 :
- 2560 rem ....screen message delay
- 2570 for t=1 to 500:next t:return
- 2580 :
- 2590 rem ....truncate m$
- 2600 if m$="" then return
- 2610 m=asc(left$(m$,1))
- 2620 if m=32 then 2640
- 2630 if m<>160 then 2650
- 2640 m$=right$(m$,len(m$)-1):goto 2610
- 2650 if m$="" then return
- 2660 m=asc(right$(m$,1))
- 2670 if m=32 then 2690
- 2680 if m<>160 then return
- 2690 m$=left$(m$,len(m$)-1):goto 2650
- 2700 :
- 2710 rem ....poke screen character
- 2720 p=983+x+y*40
- 2730 v=peek(p+d):w=peek(p)
- 2740 poke p+d,l:poke p,k
- 2750 for t=1 to 50:next t:return
- 2760 :
- 2770 rem ....calc screen display value
- 2780 h=asc(h$):if h<64 then k=h:return
- 2790 k=h-64:return
- 2800 :
- 2810 rem fixed data
- 2820 :
- 2830 data right,1,up,1,down,1,left,1
- 2840 data pen up,0,pen down,0,char,2
- 2850 data color,1,text,3,stop,0
- 2860 data e
- 2870 :
- 2880 :
- 2890 rem title/instructions
- 2900 :
- 2910 print "[147][144] how to play with elmer"
- 2920 print "this program provides you with a"
- 2930 print " tiny, make-believe turtle named elmer"
- 2940 print " who walks around the screen."
- 2950 print "elmer carries a pen so that he "
- 2960 print " can write on the screen as he walks."
- 2970 print "you can tell elmer what to do by"
- 2980 print " giving him a list of instructions."
- 2990 print "each instruction has its own number"
- 3000 print " and you can have up to 36
- 3010 [153] " instructions on the list."
- 3020 [141] 2430:[142]
- 3030 :
- 3040 [143] ....page 2
- 3050 [153] "for each instruction, you first enter"
- 3060 [153] " its number or place on the list."
- 3070 [153] "then you enter the instruction with"
- 3080 [153] " any number or letters it might need."
- 3090 [153] "you will be shown which of elmer's"
- 3100 [153] " instructions need numbers or letters."
- 3110 [153] "you can make elmer walk by entering"
- 3120 [153] " an 'e' instead of a list number."
- 3130 [153] "you can erase the list by entering"
- 3140 [153] " 'new' instead of the list number."
- 3150 [141] 2430:[142]
- 3160 :
- 3170 [143] ....page 3 (b=1,2,3,4)
- 3180 [153] "these are the instructions elmer knows:"
- 3190 [153] "elmer will walk down the screen if"
- 3200 [153] " you write 'down' and a number."
- 3210 [153] " 'down 4' will move him down 4 steps."
- 3220 [153] " 'down 10' will move him down 10 steps."
- 3230 [153] "he does not understand 'down' if a "
- 3240 [153] " number doesn't follow it."
- 3250 [153] "he also understands 'up', 'right', and"
- 3260 [153] " 'left' in the same way."
- 3270 [141] 2430:[142]
- 3280 :
- 3290 [143] ....page 4 (b=5)
- 3300 [153] "if you tell elmer 'pen down', he will "
- 3310 [153] " put his pen down on the screen and"
- 3320 [153] " draw a trail behind him."
- 3330 [153] "if you tell him 'pen up', he will "
- 3340 [153] " take it off the screen and not leave"
- 3350 [153] " a trail behind him."
- 3360 [153] "'pen down' and 'pen up' do not need "
- 3370 [153] " numbers or letters after them."
- 3380 [141] 2430:[142]
- 3390 :
- 3400 [143] ....page 5 (b=6)
- 3410 [153] "elmer usually draws a '*' for his"
- 3420 [153] " trail because he thinks it looks "
- 3430 [153] " like another turtle."
- 3440 [153] "but he will draw other characters"
- 3450 [153] " if you tell him to do so."
- 3460 [153] "you do this by entering 'char', then "
- 3470 [153] " a space, then the character you "
- 3480 [153] " would like him to draw."
- 3490 [153] "the instruction 'char e' will tell"
- 3500 [153] " him to leave a trail of e's."
- 3510 [153] "you can use any letter, number or"
- 3520 [153] " punctuation mark, but graphics"
- 3530 [153] " symbols will not work."
- 3540 [141] 2430:[142]
- 3550 :
- 3560 [143] ....page 6 (b=7)
- 3570 [153] "elmer can also draw in different"
- 3580 [153] " colors if you change his colors."
- 3590 [153] "the instruction for this is 'color'"
- 3600 [153] " and a number from 0 to 15."
- 3610 [153] "he will draw in black after 'color 0',"
- 3620 [153] " and in orange after 'color 8'."
- 3630 [141] 2430:[142]
- 3640 :
- 3650 [143] ....page 7 (b=8)
- 3660 [153] "even though he is only a turtle,"
- 3670 [153] " elmer can write messages if you"
- 3680 [153] " tell him what to write."
- 3690 [153] "you can do this with the word 'text',"
- 3700 [153] " then a space, then a short message."
- 3710 [153] "the message must be between one and"
- 3720 [153] " ten letters or numbers long."
- 3730 [153] "if you have a long message, you can"
- 3740 [153] " break it up into a few short ones."
- 3750 [141] 2430:[142]
- 3760 :
- 3770 [143] ....page 8 (b=9)
- 3780 [153] "you can make elmer stop moving at"
- 3790 [153] " any time with the instruction 'stop'."
- 3800 [153] "this makes him stop moving until you"
- 3810 [153] " press a key. then he continues"
- 3820 [153] " following the instructions you"
- 3830 [153] " have written on the list for him."
- 3840 [153] "it is a good idea to have a 'stop'"
- 3850 [153] " as the last instruction on the list."
- 3860 [153] "this will allow you to see when the "
- 3870 [153] " instructions are finished."
- 3880 [139] u[179]10 [167] 3900
- 3900 [141] 2430:[142]
- 3910 :
- 3920 [143] ....page 9
- 3930 [153] "all these instructions will be shown"
- 3940 [153] " at the bottom of the list in white."
- 3950 [153] "so all you have to remember is how"
- 3960 [153] " to use them."
- 3970 [153] ,t$
- 3980 [153] "let's see how you can change your"
- 3990 [153] " instructions after you have them"
- 4000 [153] " written on your list..."
- 4010 [141] 2430
- 4020 :
- 4030 [153] "remember that entering 'new' instead"
- 4040 [153] " of a line number will erase the"
- 4050 [153] " whole list?"
- 4060 [153] "well, sometimes you may want to change"
- 4070 [153] " a few things on the list without"
- 4080 [153] " erasing everything."
- 4090 [153] "there are three ways to change lines:"
- 4110 [153] "first, to change one instruction,"
- 4120 [153] " just enter the line number of the"
- 4130 [153] " old instruction, then enter the new"
- 4140 [153] " instruction. it will replace the"
- 4150 [153] " one you don't want any more."
- 4160 [141] 2430
- 4170 :
- 4180 [143] ....page 11
- 4190 [153] "second, if you want to erase just one "
- 4200 [153] " line, enter its number, and then a"
- 4210 [153] " 'd' (for delete)."
- 4220 [153] "the 'd' will erase that instruction."
- 4230 [153] "third, you can add a line between "
- 4240 [153] " two others. just enter the line "
- 4250 [153] " number of the line that will follow"
- 4260 [153] " the new one, then 'i' (for insert)."
- 4270 [153] "you now have a new blank line between"
- 4280 [153] " the two lines."
- 4290 [141] 2430:[142]
- 4300 :
- 4310 [143] ....page 12
- 4320 [153] "elmer may be kind of slow, but he"
- 4330 [153] " never gets tired of walking around."
- 4340 [153] "you can use any instruction as many"
- 4350 [153] " times as you want to, and he'll"
- 4360 [153] " never complain."
- 4370 [153] "elmer will tell you if he does not"
- 4380 [153] " understand something, and then give"
- 4390 [153] " you as many tries as you need to fix"
- 4400 [153] " the instruction."
- 4410 [153] "some of this may be hard for you to"
- 4420 [153] " understand, but play with elmer and"
- 4430 [153] " you will quickly become an expert."
- 4440 [141] 2430:[142]